black and white bed linen


Nasi Kepal Jepang Ala Nusantara


Nasi Kepal ala Jepang dengan campuran citarasa Indonesia dan Jepang sehingga buat anda ketagihan

A hand holding a partially eaten rice ball wrapped in seaweed, revealing a filling, possibly tuna. The background is blurred, focusing attention on the snack.
A hand holding a partially eaten rice ball wrapped in seaweed, revealing a filling, possibly tuna. The background is blurred, focusing attention on the snack.

Produk Mamigiri

  • Onigiri

  • Sushi

  • Kimbab

  • Nasi Bento

Why Choose Us?

Praktis Dibawa
Simple Dimakan
Harga Pas Di Kantong
Cita Rasa Khas

Melayani Pemesanan H-1


a plate of sushi with a variety of toppings
a plate of sushi with a variety of toppings
person holding white and brown cake
person holding white and brown cake
sushi on white ceramic plate
sushi on white ceramic plate
  • SMPN 19 Bogor

  • SMPN 3 Cibinong

  • MTSN 3 Cibinong

  • MI Manbaul Islam


Mita Kami

  • SMP-SMK Al Bana

  • MTS – SMK Al Ahyar

  • SDIT AL Ghifari

  • Nampan Raja, dll